Accessibility statement

Man sitting at desk

Access for all
The Co-op Pensions Department is working hard to ensure all employees can access information about pensions. However, we recognise that not all of the features on this site are currently accessible to everyone. You may have difficulty using certain features with some types of adaptive technologies like screen readers. We are fully committed to ensuring every page on this site will meet guidelines for web accessibility and it is our intention to continue to work to improve access for all employees.

Some accessibility features on the memberonline area are not currently available, but we are working on these and will update the area as soon as we can.

Accessibility features
This site contains several useful accessibility features which are described below. The website is fully compliant to level AA of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.

Content is laid out using style sheets, which users can change in their browsers to suit individual requirements.

Text sizes
This site uses relative font sizes that are compatible with user specified font sizes in visual browsers. To change the font to a size you are comfortable with, check your browser help files. For example in Internet Explorer select View, Text Size from the browser toolbar or press the Ctrl and '+' keys together to zoom in.

All content images on the site use descriptive ALT attributes.