Notice of Change to Branding

Man sitting at desk

Rebranding from Mercer to Aptia


On 1 January 2024, Aptia UK Limited (Aptia) purchased Mercer’s UK pension administration business. As a result of this change, your pension benefits are now being administered by Aptia.

Aptia is now beginning the process of rebranding all communications. Any information you are used to receiving which is Mercer branded is going to change to the branding of Aptia. If you are used to receiving information using the brand of your scheme or company, this will not be changing.

You will begin to see these changes from July 2024, including changes to regular and ad-hoc communications and the online portals you may currently use to contact Mercer. You may see or receive communications in both Mercer and Aptia branding for a period, and this is not something to be concerned about.

Please be assured that this change has not, and will not, impact the service you receive or your pension benefits.

You do not need to take any action but if you have any concerns, please contact us using your usual contact method.